Blade Maidens: Closed Fist, Open Hand – 11

“”For post in all active guild halls, liason’s offices and huntmasters’ posts:


The hunter known as Harza Baen is hereby stripped of her membership in our ranks and should no longer be accorded any hospitality, hearth or assistance by a member of our guild.


While the guild offers freedom in our members’ methodology and tact when pursuing their quarry, we must maintain order and civility within our halls. All of us, from myself to our freshest recruits, abide by the same code of conduct, with no exception.


By pursuing personal vendettas under the guise of guild business, accosting fellow hunters who questioned her methods, and refusing to pay her guild dues, Harza has broken these sacred bonds and will forever more be struck from our ranks. Any who hunt alongside her, or provide her aid–material or otherwise–will face the same consequences.


May your quarry be slow, and your stride be swift. ”


– A notice from Guildmaster Corrin Highbranch