Mel wraps up her show and attracts some unwanted attention.

Blade Maidens: Strays – 12

“People often view bounty hunting as the last resort of the desperate and poor. Vagabonds and mercenaries who can’t make ends meet doing respectable work. While that is certainly true for some hunters, it is an inaccurate portrait of the profession as a whole.

Bounties are, at their core, an extension of justice. A call to action to avenge some injustice. Contrary to popular belief, however, not just anyone can declare a bounty. The specificities may vary from region to region, but the basics remain intact: a bounty must cite a specific offense that has gone unanswered, and the punishment must be equivalent to the crime.

While uncommon, a review of any publicly announced bounty may be declared by the local magistrate or a similar governmental body. If a bounty is found to be built on false charges or demanding an unrealistic punishment (i.e. execution for the theft of an apple) then the persons who backed the bounty will find themselves facing the same consequences they called for. While not perfect, the system provides balance and ensures that justice can be found across Telos, for the right price.”

– A section from Justice and Vengeance: A Dichotomy by Fandel Gilthand

“If you’re looking to take care of a problem that hasn’t exactly done anything wrong, or you just can’t prove it…

Leave a note with their name, what they did, and a coin in Sepestra’s lantern in the largest cloister-crypt of any decent-sized city. Then wait.”

– A hand-written note in the margins of Justice and Vengeance: A Dichotomy, unsigned.